Seabreeze: Navigiere durch die Welt der Container
Seabreeze ist dein zuverlässiger Kapitän, wenn es darum geht, containerisierte Anwendungen effizient zu verwalten und zu skalieren. Setze die Segel für eine reibungslose Entwicklung und Bereitstellung.
For Developers
Seabreeze enables you to effortlessly manage containerized applications and automate tasks, so you can focus on coding.
For Teams
Share configurations and ensure consistency across your development environment, making teamwork more efficient.
For Everyone
Seabreeze is designed to be accessible. Our supportive community and resources are always here to guide you.

Seamless Container Orchestration
Elevate your development workflow with Seabreeze. Powerful tools for effortless container management, from solo projects to enterprise-scale deployments.
Project Management
Effortlessly organize and oversee multiple containerized applications. Seabreeze simplifies project creation, configuration, and deployment, allowing you to focus on what matters most - your application's logic and features.
Learn about Seabreeze projectsScript Automation
Streamline your workflow with Seabreeze's powerful script runner. Execute predefined commands within containers or on the host, automate routine tasks, and boost your productivity with ease.
Explore our automation toolsVCS Integration
Seamlessly connect your version control systems with Seabreeze. Clone repositories, sync configurations, and maintain perfect alignment between your code and deployed environments with ease.
Explore our VCS features